Sameer Mhaisekar
Developer Advocate, SquaredUp
See how easy it is to report on your Microsoft 365 metrics with SquaredUp's dedicated M365 plugin. We look at Sharepoint site numbers and Outlook platform distribution as examples to get you going.
Developer Advocate, SquaredUp
A while back, our good friend and expert over at SIG - Ruben - wrote a great blog about the dashboard he made in SquaredUp Dashboard Server. He created an M365 Analytics dashboard, using the WebAPI plugin and these M365 reports. He wrote up in this blog how to set up the WebAPI provider to query the graph API and then made a dashboard with it.
In good news, SquaredUp Cloud has an M365 plugin which can save us all the trouble and get you going in a fraction of time. Instead of setting up the WebAPI provider, you simply add the M365 plugin as a data source. Authentication is easy, you can choose from using Entra ID credentials or app registration.
I used my client credentials and added the data source. From this point, it was only a few minutes until I created the dashboard.
This dashboard is only using a few data streams out of many available with the data source.
Let's walk through some of the tiles here.
We want to visualize the site number growth as a line graph so we can manage storage.
Hit the + icon on the canvas and search for "SharePoint" and you'll see all the data streams relevant. The one in particular called "SharePoint: Active Sites" is the one that gives the data we want.
Choose the Line graph viz and we're good to go.
Next, let's plot the distribution of platforms our employees are accessing Outlook from.
Search "Outlook" in the list of data streams and the bunch should show up. The one we'll use is called "Outlook: App Usage by User Count"
The other tiles are built similarly, using different data streams.
To explore more and build one for yourself, head over here and get started!