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Monitor the Projects, Releases and Issues from your Jira Software environment.

  • Visualize
  • Analyze
  • Monitor
  • Share

Instant access to your Jira data

Object types
  • Component
  • Filter
  • Issue Type
  • Label
  • Project
  • Release
Data streams
  • Issue Fields
  • Issue Fields (object aware)
  • Issues
  • Issues / Closed
  • Issues / Open
  • Issues Over Time

Combine your Jira data with...


Monitor the Pipelines and Workflows from your CircleCI environment.

AWS Pipelines

Plug directly into AWS for instant dashboards, reports and analytics.

Azure DevOps

Monitor the Builds and Releases from your Azure DevOps environment.


Monitor the Incidents, Issues and Pull Requests from your GitHub environment.


Monitor the CI/CD metrics from your GitLab environment.


See the availability of your services from StatusPage.

SquaredUp has 60+ pre-built plugins for instant access to data.