Dave Clarke
Senior Product Manager, SquaredUp
Monitoring my car with SquaredUp (Part 2)
Senior Product Manager, SquaredUp
This is part 2 of a three-part series where I showcase just how easy it is to build dashboards in SquaredUp using our WebAPI integration and our recently re-designed tile editing experience, centered around building a dashboard for my car. In my last post I shared how I configured our Web API data source and built my first tile.
If you missed part 1, check it out here.
In this post we’ll take a look at what our SQL Analytics feature is and the value it offers for two use cases:
In SquaredUp, we allow you to query data from over 80+ out of the box data sources, as well as data from any Web API as we saw in the last post. Sometimes that data can be returned in a different format than you need or perhaps with different units (bytes vs GB, or C° vs F°). SquaredUp offers a few options for shaping and manipulating your data in the ‘Shaping’ and ‘Data Mapping’ areas of the tile editor but occasionally more flexibility is required - that’s where SQL Analytics comes in.
Using the power of standard SQL (Structured Query Language) you can manipulate and transform data as needed. For example:
Let’s take a look at an example. As you saw in the first part of this series we created a tile showing our fuel level, represented as a number of kilometres till the tank is empty. The data comes back from the Ford API as kilometres but I’d prefer to show that as miles.
SELECT FLOOR(`fuel.distanceToEmpty`*0.621371) as fuel FROM dataset1
As well as manipulating data, you can also use SQL to combine multiple datasets. This is particularly useful to combine data from two different sources. In doing so we can explore data in different ways and garner new insights. For example:
This blog forms part of a three-part series where I showcase just how easy it is to build dashboards in SquaredUp using our Web API integration and our recently re-designed tile editing experience, centered around building a dashboard for my car.
In the next part we’ll take a look at an advanced feature of SquaredUp: scripting. Using scripts we can really transform and customize data to show on our dashboards.