Dashboard Stories
Dashboard Stories
See our smart dashboards in action. Real-life use cases and example dashboards, brought to you by the SquaredUp community.

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All Dashboard Stories
NSW snowboarding conditions dashboard
I have been snowboarding for a long time and regularly go to Persiher in New South Wales. I wanted an easily accessible overview of weather and trail conditions, plus any other relevant information.
Antarctic research station weather conditions dashboard
This dashboard shows the current conditions at various research stations in the Antarctic – information of particular interest to Popsy the Penguin, our SquaredUp Engineering team mascot!
My household's Steam player stats dashboard
This is a fun dashboard to capture some Steam player statistics using the WebAPI plugin. Now I can find out how long my kids have been online, how many friends they have though they’ve never met in person, and what they have achieved without even leaving their room 🙄
SpaceX launch data dashboard
This SpaceX dashboard means I never miss a launch and helps me keep an eye on SpaceX’s achievements around re-usability.
Fantasy Premier League Football performance dashboard
This Fantasy Football dashboard shows the Cash League (league with cash prizes) and my performance in it so I can always see where I am in relation to first place.
Scuba Diving weather conditions dashboard
This scuba diving dashboard was built for fun using the Web API plugin to give a clear view of conditions in Portland Harbour, England, to show just how much you can do in SquaredUp.
Customizable CircleCI dashboard
This CircleCI dashboard provides an overview of all projects in your CircleCI organization, as well as some high-level insights for workflows such as total runs, average duration, and success rate.
Zendesk dashboard walkthrough
This Zendesk dashboard built in SquaredUp provides an overview of the support tickets that have been raised in Zendesk, information on tickets created, against which form, what status they are in, and how many when taken by users.